

Basic Diameter Position when processing with Taper Pipe Taps

Cutting Taps Pipe Threads Standard (Screw Threads, Center Holes)
We are going to machine PT1/2-14 taper pipe threads with a radial arm drilling machine. I am not sure how deep I should insert the tap into bored holes to produce a standard-compliant taper pipe threads. Can you tell me what the approximate depth of the tap should be?
PT taps for taper pipe threads have a tapered diameter with the smallest diameter at the tip of the tap. The diameter of the taps' threaded part becomes larger from the tip towards the shank part with a 1/16 taper. When you use taper pipe taps, you need to drive the tap to a specified diameter called the Basic Major Diameter.
In the case of PT1/2-14, you can produce standard-compliant taper pipe threads by driving the tap in 25 mm from the tip.
